Some usefull links to other webpages
Fachgruppe Chemie an der RWTH Aachen
GDCh Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
Institut für Organische Chemie RWTH Aachen University
JCF Jungchemikerforum der GDCh
helpfull tools
LEO Web-based german-english/english-german dictionary
WWPDB Worl Wide Proteine Data Bank
BRENDA BRaunschweig Enzyme DAtabase
ExPASy EXpert Protein Analysis SYstem
swiss pdb viewer download page
NEB cutter V2.0 simulate fragmentation of DNA with different restriction endonucleases
Pubmed Medicinal and biochemical database
recent and former cooperation partners
Department of Pathology and Medical Biology University Medical Center Groningen
The Ebenstein lab for Nano-Bio-Photonics
Department of Biological DNA Modification, Institute of Biotechnology Vilnius University
Institut für Biochemie, UKA RWTH Aachen
Institut für Pharmazie und Biochemie - AK Helm, JG-U Mainz