Systematic design of adenosine analogs as inhibitors of a Clostridioides difficile-specific DNA adenine methyltransferase required for normal sporulation and persistence; J. Zhou, J. R. Horton, M. Menna, F. Fiorentino, R. Ren, D. Yu, T. Hajian, M. Vedadi, G. Mazzoccanti, A. Ciogli, E. Weinhold, M. Hüben, R. M. Blumenthal, X. Zhang, A. Mai, D. Rotili, X. Cheng; J. Med. Chem. 2023, 66, 934−950; doi:
Chemoenzymatic labeling of DNA methylation patterns for single-molecule epigenetic mapping; T. Gabrieli, Y. Michaeli, S. Avraham, D. Torchinsky, L. Schütz, M. Juhasz, C. Coruh, N. Arbib, Z. S. Zhou, J. A. Law, E. Weinhold, Y. Ebenstein; Nucleic Acids Res. 2022, 50, e92;
DNA modification and visualization on an origami-based enzyme nano-factory; E. Weinhold, B. Chakraborty; Nanoscale 2021, 13, 2465–2471; DOI: 10.1039/D0NR07618J; Editor’s Choice: Recent breakthroughs in nanobiotechnology by Yves Dufrêne
Electrical DNA sequence mapping using oligodeoxynucleotide labels and nanopores; K. Chen, F. Gularek, B. Liu, E. Weinhold, U. F. Keyser; ACS Nano 2021, 15, 2679−2685, DOI 10.1021/acsnano.0c07947.
Label as you fold: methyltransferase-assisted functionalization of DNA nanostructures; C. Heck, D. Torchinsky, G. Nifker, F. Gularek, Y. Michaeli, E. Weinhold, Y. Ebenstein; Nanoscale 2020, 12, 20287–20291, DOI: 10.1039/d0nr03694c.
Quantitative Formation of Monomeric G-Quadruplex DNA from Multimeric Structures of c-Myc Promoter Sequence; V. Rauser, E. Weinhold; ChemBioChem 2020, 21, 2445-2448.
Lysine Ethylation by Histone Lysine Methyltransferases; A. H. K. Al Temimi, M. Martin, Q. Meng, D. C. Lenstra, P. Qian, H. Guo, E. Weinhold, J. Mecinović; ChemBioChem 2020, 21, 392–400.
A vitamin-C-derived DNA modification catalysed by an algal TET homologue; J.-H. Xue, G.-D. Chen, F. Hao, H. Chen, Z. Fang, F.-F. Chen, B. Pang, Q.-L. Yang, X. Wei, Q.-Q. Fan, C. Xin, J. Zhao, X. Deng, B.-A. Wang, X.-J. Zhang, Y. Chu, H. Tang, H. Yin, W. Ma, L. Chen, J. Ding, E. Weinhold, R. M. Kohli, W. Liu, Z.-J. Zhu, K. Huang, H. Tang, G.-L. Xu; Nature 2019, 569, 581–585.
Long-read single-molecule maps of the functional methylome; H Sharim, A. Grunwald, T. Gabrieli, Y. Michaeli, S. Margalit, D. Torchinsky, R. Arielly, G. Nifker, M. Juhasz, F. Gularek, M. Almalvez, B. Dufault, S. S. Chandra, A. Liu, S. Bhattacharya, Y.-W. Chen, E, Vilain, K. R. Wagner, J. Pevsner, J. Reifenberger, E. T. Lam, A. R. Hastie, H. Cao, H. Barseghyan, E. Weinhold, Y. Ebenstein; Genome Res. 2019, 29, 646–656.
Evaluation of a pretargeting strategy for molecular imaging of the prostate stem cell antigen with a single chain antibody; L. Tienken, N. Drude, I. Schau, O. H.Winz, A. Temme, E. Weinhold, F. M. Mottaghy, A. Morgenroth; Sci. Rep. 2018, 8, 3755.
Ionic current-based mapping of short sequence motifs in single DNA molecules using solid-state nanopores; K. Chen, M. Juhasz, F. Gularek, E. Weinhold, Y. Tian, U. F. Keyser, N. A. W. Bell; Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 5199–5205.
The N6-Position of Adenine Is a Blind Spot for TAL-Effectors That Enables Effective Binding of Methylated and Fluorophore-Labeled DNA; S. Flade, J. Jasper, M. Gieß, M. Juhasz, A. Dankers, G. Kubik, O. Koch, E. Weinhold, D. Summerer; ACS Chem. Biol. 2017, 2(7),1719-1725.
Fine Tuning Antibody Conjugation Methods using SNAP-tag Technology; K. Chouman, M. Woitok, R. Mladenov, C. Kessler, E. Weinhold, G. Hanz, R. Fischer, I. Meinhold-Heerlein, A. Bleilevens, G. Gresch, A. Maria Haugg, F. Zeppernick, D. Bauerschlag, N. Maass, E. Stickeler, K. Kolberg, A. F. Hussain; Anti-Cancer Agents Med. Chem. 2017, 7.
Light-enhancing plasmonic-nanopore biosensor for superior single-molecule detection; O. N. Assad, T. Gilboa, J. Spitzberg, M. Juhasz, E. Weinhold, A. Meller; Adv. Mater. 2016.
Super-resolution genome mapping in silicon nanochannels; J. Jeffet, A. Kobo, T. Su, A. Grunwald, O. Green, A. N. Nilsson, E. Eisenberg, E T. Ambjornsson, F. Westerlund, E. Weinhold, D. Shabat, P. K. Purohit, Y. Ebenstein; ACS Nano 2016, 10, 9823−9830.
Single-molecule DNA methylation quantification using electro-optical sensing in solid-state nanopores; T. Gilboa, C. Torfstein, M. Juhasz, A. Grunwald, Y. Ebenstein, E. Weinhold, A. Meller; ACS Nano 2016, 10, 8861–8870.
The lncRNA HOTAIR impacts on mesenchymal stem cells via triple helix formation; M. Kalwa, S. Hänzelmann, S. Otto, C.-C. Kuo, J. Franzen, S. Joussen, E. Fernandez-Rebollo, B. Rath, C. Koch, A. Hofmann, S.-H. Lee, A. E. Teschendorff, B. Denecke, Q. Lin, M. Widschwendter, E. Weinhold, I. G. Costa, W. Wagner; Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, 44, 10631–10643.
A 7-deazaadenosylaziridine cofactor for sequence-specific labeling of DNA by the DNA cytosine-C5 methyltransferase M.HhaI;
F. Kunkel, R. Lurz, E. Weinhold; Molecules 2015, 20, 20805–20822.
Bacteriophage strain typing by rapid single molecule analysis; A. Grunwald, M. Dahan, A. Giesbertz, A. Nilsson, L. K. Nyberg, E. Weinhold, T. Ambjörnsson, F. Westerlund, Y, Ebenstein; Nucleic Acids Res. 2015, 43, 117.
Sequence-specific labeling of nucleic acids and proteins with methyltransferases and cofactor analogues; G. M. Hanz, B. Jung, A. Giesbertz, M. Juhasz, E. Weinhold; Journal of visualized experiments, JoVE 2014, 2010.
Reversibly locked thionucleobase pairs in DNA to study base flipping enzymes; C. Beuck, E. Weinhold; Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2014, 10, 2293–2306.
Toward Single-Molecule Optical Mapping of the Epigenome; M. L.-Sakin, A. Grunwald, S. Kim, N. R. Gassman, A. Gottfried, J. Antelman, Y. Kim, S. O. Ho, R. Samuel, X. Michalet, R. R. Lin, T. Dertinger, A. S. Kim, S. Chung, R. A. Colyer, E. Weinhold, S. Weiss, Y. Ebenstein; ACS Nano 2014, 8, 14–26.
Enzymatically Incorporated Genomic Tags for Optical Mapping of DNA-Binding Proteins; Kim, Soohong; Gottfried, Anna; Lin, Ron R.; Dertinger, Thomas; Kim, Andrew S.; Chung, Sangyoon; Colyer, Ryan A.; Weinhold, Elmar; Weiss, Shimon; Ebenstein, Yuval; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(15), 3578-3581.
A Selenium-Based Click AdoMet Analogue for Versatile Substrate Labeling with Wild-Type Protein Methyltransferases; Willnow, Sophie; Martin, Michael; Lüscher, Bernhard; Weinhold, Elmar; ChemBioChem 2012, 13(8), 1167-1173.
Programmable sequence-specific click-labeling of RNA using archaeal box C/D RNP methyltransferases; Tomkuvienė, Miglė; Clouet-d'Orval, Béatrice; Černiauskas, Ignas; Weinhold, Elmar; Klimašauskas, Saulius; Nucl. Acids Res. 2012, 40(14), 6765-73.
Expanding the chemical scope of RNA:methyltransferases to site-specific alkynylation of RNA for click labeling; Motorin, Yuri; Burhenne, Jürgen; Teimer, Roman; Koynov, Kaloian; Willnow, Sophie; Weinhold, Elmar; Helm, Mark; Nucl. Acids Res. 2011, 39(5), 1943-1952.
Sequence-specific covalent labelling of DNA; Gottfried, Anna; Weinhold, Elmar; Biochem. Soc. Trans. 2011, 39, 623-628.
Enzymatic Site-Specific Functionalization of Protein Methyltransferase Substrates with Alkynes for Click Labeling; Peters, Wibke; Willnow, Sophie; Duisken, Mike; Kleine, Henning; Macherey, Thomas; Duncan, Kelly E.; Litchfield, David W.; Lüscher, Bernhard; Weinhold, Elmar; Angew. Chem. 2010, 49(30), 5170-5173.
Synthesis of S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine Capture Compounds for Selective Photoinduced Isolation of Methyltransferases; Dalhoff, Christian; Hüben, Michael; Lenz, Thomas; Poot, Peter; Nordhoff, Eckhard; Köster, Hubert; Weinhold, Elmar; ChemBioChem 2010, 11(2), 256-265.
Targeted DNA Methylation by a DNA Methyltransferase Coupled to a Triple Helix Forming Oligonucleotide To Down-Regulate the Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule; Van der Gun, Bernardina T. F.; Maluszynska-Hoffman, Maria; Kiss, Antal; Arendzen, Alice J.; Ruiters, Marcel H. J.; McLaughlin, Pamela M. J.; Weinhold, Elmar; Rots, Marianne G.; Bioconjugate Chem. 2010, 21(7), 1239-1245.
Selective recognition of pyrimidine-pyrimidine DNA mismatches by distance-constrained macrocyclic bis-intercalators; Bahr, Matthias; Gabelica, Valerie; Granzhan, Anton; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule; Weinhold, Elmar; Nucleic Acids Res. 2008, 36(15), 5000-5012.
6-Thioguanine in DNA as CD-spectroscopic probe to study local structural changes upon protein binding; Repges, Rudolph; Beuck, Christine; Weinhold, Elmar; Raabe, Gerhard; Fleischhauer, Jorg; Chirality 2008, 20(9), 978-984.
Persistent down-regulation of the pancarcinoma-associated Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule via active intranuclear methylation; Van der Gun, Bermadina T.F.; Wasserkort, Reinold; Monami, Amelie; Jeltsch, Albert; Rasko, Tamits; Slaska-Kiss, Krystyna; Cortese, Rene; Rots, Marianne G.; de Leij, Lou F.M.H.; Ruiters Marcel H.J.; Kiss, Antal; Weinhold, Elmar; McLaughlin, Pamela M.J.; Int. J. Cancer 2008, 123(2), 484-489.
Enzyme-directed positioning of nanoparticles on large DNA templates; Braun, Gary; Diechrierow, Michael; Wilkinson, Stephanie; Schmidt, Falk; Hüben, Michael; Weinhold, Elmar; Reich, Norbert O.; Bioconjugate Chem. 2008, 19(2), 476-479.
Molecular scale architecture: engineered three- and four-way junctions; Wilkinson, Stephanie; Diechtierow, Michael; Estabrook, R. August; Schmidt, Falk; Hüben, Michael; Weinhold, Elmar; Reich, Norbert O., Bioconjugate Chem. 2008, 19(2), 470-475.
Sequence-specific Methyltransferase-Inducd Labelling (SMILing) of plasmid DNA for studying cell transfection; Schmidt, Falk H.-G.; Hüben, Michael; Gider, Basar; Renault, Francois; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule; Weinhold, Elmar, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2008, 16(1), 40-48.
Serum insensitive, intranuclear protein delivery by the multipurpose cationic lipid Saint-2; Van der Gun, Bermadina T.F.; Monami, Amelie; Laarman, Sven; Rasko, Tamas; Slaska-Kiss, Krystyna; Weinhold, Elmar; Wasserkort, Reinhold; de Leij, Lou F.M.H; Ruiters, Marcel H.J.; Kiss, Antal; McLoughlin, Pamela M.J., Journal of Controlled Release 2007, 123(3), 228-238.
DNA labelling topologies for monitoring DNA-protein complex formation by fluorescence anisotropy; Bahr, Matthias; Valis, Linda; Wagenknecht, Hans-Achim; Weinhold, Elmar, Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids 2007, 26(10-12), 1581-1584.
Quantitative labeling of long plasmid DNA with nanometer precision; Pljevaljcic, Goran; Schmidt, Falk; Scheidig, Axel J.; Lurz, Rudi; Weinhold, Elmar, ChemBioChem 2007, 8(13), 1516-1519.
2-Aminopurine Flipped into the Active Site of the Adenine-Specific DNA Methyltransferase M.TaqI: Crystal Structures and Time-Resolved Fluorescence; Lenz, Thomas; Bonnist, Eleanor Y. M.; Pljevaljcic, Goran; Neely, Robert K.; Dryden, David T. F.; Scheidig, Axel J.; Jones, Anita C.; Weinhold, Elmar, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129(19), 6240-6248.
A new tool for biotechnology: AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases; Klimasauskas, Saulius; Weinhold, Elmar, Trends in Biotechnology 2007, 25(3), 99-104.
Targeted Labeling of DNA by Methyltransferase-Directed Transfer of Activated Groups (mTAG); Lukinavicius, Grazvydas; Lapiene, Vidmantas; Stasevskij, Zdislav; Dalhoff, Christian; Weinhold, Elmar; Klimasauskas, Saulius, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129(10), 2758-2759.
Direct transfer of extended groups from synthetic cofactors by DNA methyltransferases; Dalhoff, Christian; Lukinavicius, Grazvydas; Klimasauskas, Saulius; Weinhold, Elmar, Nature Chemical Biology 2006, 2(1), 31-32.
A fluorescent quinoline derivative as selective receptor for fluoride anions; Albrecht, Markus; Triyanti; de Groot, Marita; Bahr, Matthias; Weinhold, Elmar, Synlett 2005, 13, 2095-2097.
Forced intercalation as a tool in gene diagnostics and in studying DNA-protein interactions; Koehler, Olaf; Jarikote, Dilip V.; Singh, Ishwar; Parmar, Virinder S.; Weinhold, Elmar; Seitz, Oliver, Pure and Applied Chemistry 2005, 77(1), 327-338.
Abasic site stabilization by aromatic DNA base surrogates: High-affinity binding to a base-flipping DNA-methyltransferase; Singh, Ishwar; Beuck, Christine; Bhattacharya, Anupam; Hecker, Walburga; Parmar, Virinder S.; Weinhold, Elmar; Seitz, Oliver, Pure and Applied Chemistry 2004, 76(7-8), 1563-1570.
Sequence-specific DNA labeling using methyltransferases; Pljevaljcic, Goran; Schmidt, Falk; Peschlow, Alexander; Weinhold, Elmar, Methods in Molecular Biology (Totowa, NJ, United States) 2004, 283(Bioconjugation Protocols), 145-161.
Sequence-specific methyltransferase-induced labeling of DNA (SMILing DNA); Pljevaljcic, Goran; Schmidt, Falk; Weinhold, Elmar, ChemBioChem 2004, 5(3), 265-269.
Convenient Synthesis of Oligodeoxynucleotides Containing 2'-Deoxy-6-thioinosine; C. Beuck, E. Weinhold, Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 2003, 22(5-8), 635-639
DNA mismatch-specific base flipping by a bisacridine macrocycle; David, Arnaud; Bleimling, Nathalie; Beuck, Christine; Lehn, Jean-marie; Weinhold, Elmar; Teulade-fichou, Marie-paule, ChemBioChem 2003, 4(12), 1326-1331.
Polycyclic aromatic DNA-base surrogates: High-affinity binding to an adenine-specific base-flipping DNA methyltransferase; C. Beuck, I. Singh, A. Bhattacharya, W. Hecker, V. S. Parmar, O. Seitz, E. Weinhold, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2003, 42(33), 3958-3960
The stability of pseudopeptides bearing sulfoximines as chiral backbone modifying element towards proteinase K; C. Bolm, D. Müller, C. Dalhoff, C. P. R. Hackenberger, E. Weinhold, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2003, 13(19), 3207-3211.
Design of a New Fluorescent Cofactor for DNA Methyltransferases and Sequence-Specific Labeling of DNA; G. Pljevaljcic, M. Pignot, E. Weinhold, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125(12), 3486-3492.
A DNA-binding peptide from a phage display library; J. Wölcke, E. Weinhold, Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 2001, 20(4-7), 1239-1241.
The mechanism of DNA cytosine-5 methylation. Kinetic and mutational dissection of HhaI methyltransferase; G. Vilkaitis, E. Merkiene, S. Serva, E.Weinhold, S. Klimasauskas, J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276(24), 20924-20934.
Structure of the N6-adenine DNA methyltransferase M•TaqI in complex with DNA and a cofactor analog; K. Goedecke, M. Pignot, R. S. Goody, A. J. Scheidig, E. Weinhold, Nature Struct. Biol. 2001, 8(2), 121-125.
Functional roles of the conserved threonine 250 in the target recognition domain of HhaI DNA methyltransferase; G. Vilkaitis, A. Dong, E. Weinhold, X. Cheng, S. Klimasauskas, J. Biol. Chem. 2000, 275(49), 38722-38730.
Reviving a Dead Enzyme: Cytosine Deaminations Promoted by an Inactive DNA Methyltransferase and an S-Adenosylmethionine Analogue; A. N. Sharath, E. Weinhold, A. S. Bhagwat, Biochemistry 2000, 39(47), 14611-14616.
Efficient synthesis of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine natural product analogues and their use to elucidate the structural determinant for cofactor binding of the DNA methyltransferase M.HhaI; M. Pignot, G. Pljevaljcic, E. Weinhold, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2000, 3, 549-555.
Energetic and kinetic aspects of DNA base-flipping by methyltransferases; S. Serva, E. Merkiene, G. Vilkaitis, E. Weinhold, S. Klimasauskas, J. Biosci. 1999,24, 102.
Stopped flow fluorescence studies of DNA base flipping by the HhaI methyltransferase; S. Serva, E. Weinhold, S. Klimasauskas, Biochimie 1999, 81, 123.
Probes for DNA base flipping by DNA methyltransferases; B. Holz, E. Weinhold, (Hrsg.: U. Diederichsen, T. K. Lindhorst, B. Westermann, L. Wessjohann), Bioorganic Chemistry: Highlights and New Aspects Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1999, 337-345.
Sequence-specific Labeling of DNA Using New Cofactors for DNA Methyltransferases; E. Weinhold, M. Pignot, G. Pljevaljcic, Biol. Chem. 1999, 380, 207.
Aziridine-containing cofactors for methyltransferases and their use in labeling of nucleic acids and proteins; M. Pignot, E. Weinhold, PCT-Patentanmeldung Nr. EP99/05405, Anmeldetag 28.07.1999.
Higher binding affinity of duplex oligodeoxynucleotides containing 1,2-dideoxy-D-ribose to the N6-adenine DNA methyltransferase M.TaqI supports a base flipping mechanism; B. Holz, E. Weinhold, Nucleosides & Nucleotides 1999,18, 1355-1358.
Identification of the Binding Site for the Extrahelical Target Base in N6-Adenine DNA Methyltransferases by Photo-cross-linking with Duplex Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Containing 5-Iodouracil at the Target Position; B. Holz, N. Dank, J. E. Eickhoff, G. Lipps, G. Krauss, E. Weinhold, J. Biol. Chem. 1999, 274, 15066-15072.
Functional Roles of the Conserved Aromatic Amino Acid Residues at Position 108 (Motif IV) and Position 196 (Motif VIII) in Base Flipping and Catalysis by the N6-Adenine DNA Methyltransferase from Thermus aquaticus; H. Pues, N. Bleimling, B. Holz, J. Wölcke, E. Weinhold, Biochemistry 1999, 38, 1426-1434.
Coupling of a Nucleoside with DNA by a Methyltransferase; M. Pignot, C. Siethoff, M. Linscheid, E. Weinhold, Angew. Chem.1998, 110, 3050-3053; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1998, 37, 2888-2891.
Probes for DNA base flipping by DNA methyltransferasesE. Weinhold, B. Holz, N. Bleimling, Biol. Chem. 1998, 379, 142.
Chemical display of thymine residues flipped out by DNA methyltransferases; S. Serva, E. Weinhold, R. J. Roberts, S. Klimasauskas, Nucleic Acids Res. 1998, 26, 3473-3479.
Micro HPLC/ESI MSN of Duplex Oligonucleotides to Study the Methylation Reaction of M.TaqI; M. Pignot, E. Weinhold, C. Siethoff, M. Linscheid, Proceedings of the 46th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 1998, 267.
Probes for DNA base flipping by methyltransferases; E. Weinhold, B. Holz, M. Pignot, H. Pues, J. Wölcke, in in 2nd Workshop of Young European Bioorganic Chemists - WEB-98 (Hrsg.: L. A. Wessjohann, M. Kalesse), Prosciencia Verlagsbuchhandel Ulrich C. Philipp, Köln, 1998, 18.
New cofactors for methyltransferases; M. Pignot, E. Weinhold, "Europäische Prioritätsanmeldung Nr. 98 11 4201.1, Anmeldetag 29.07.1998."
2-Aminopurine as a fluorescent probe for DNA base flipping by methyltransferases; B. Holz, S. Klimasauskas, S. Serva, E. Weinhold, Nucleic Acids Res. 1998, 26, 1076-1083.
Fluorescence studies on the base flipping mechanism of the DNA methyltransferase M.TaqI; B. Holz, H. Pues, J. Wölcke, E. Weinhold, FASEB J. 1997, 11, A1151.
Untersuchung des katalytischen Mechanismus der DNA-Methyltransferase aus Thermus aquaticus (M.TaqI); J. Wölcke, M. Pignot, B. Holz, E. Weinhold, in 6. Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Symposium Bioorganische Chemie Chemie (Hrsg.: L. A. Wessjohann, T. K. Lindhorst, B. Westermann, U. Diederichsen), Prosciencia Verlagsbuchhandel Ulrich C. Philipp, Köln, 1997
Construction of a deletion library using a mixture of 5'-truncated primers for inverse PCR (IPCR); H. Pues, B. Holz, E. Weinhold, Nucleic Acids Res. 1997, 25, 1303-1304.
Differential Binding of S-Adenosylmethionine, S-Adenosylhomocysteine and Sinefungin to the Adenine-specific DNA Methyltransferase M.TaqI; G. Schluckebier, M. Kozak, N. Bleimling, E. Weinhold, W. Saenger, J. Mol. Biol. 1997, 265, 56-67.
Fluorescence studies of the DNA base flipping induced by a cytosine-5 methyltransferase; S. Serva, S. Klimasauskas, E. Weinhold, Biologija 1997, 9-12.
Developing New Synthetic Catalysts. How Nature Does It; S. A. Benner, T. M. Jermann, J. G. Opitz, S. A. Raillard, T. R. Zankel, K. Trautwein-Fritz, J. Stackhouse, M. I. Ciglic, M. Haugg, N. Trabesinger-Rüf, E. G. Weinhold, Acta Chemica Scandinavica 1996, 50, 243-248.
Substrate Specificity of the DNA Methyltransferase from Thermus aquaticus: Influence of the 3'-Neighbor Base; J. Wölcke, E. Weinhold, Biol. Chem. Hoppe Seyler 1995, 376, 169.
Engineering yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. Replacing Trp54 by Leu broadens the substrate specificity; E. G. Weinhold, S. A. Benner, Protein Engineering 1995, 8, 457-461.
Design and Evaluation of a Tightly Binding Fluorescent Ligand for Influenza A Hemagglutinin; E. G. Weinhold, J. R. Knowles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 9270-9275.
Mechanistic and active-site studies on D(-)-mandelate dehydrogenase from Rhodotorula graminis; D. P. Baker, C. Kleanthous, J. N. Keen, E. Weinhold, C. A. Fewson, Biochem. J. 1992, 281, 211-218.
Structural determinants of stereospecificity in yeast alcohol dehydrogenase; E. G. Weinhold, A. Glasfeld, A. D. Ellington, S. A. Benner, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 1991, 88, 8420-8424.
Electrophilic Additions to 3-C-[(Methoxycarbonyl)methyl]-3-deoxy-D-ribofuranose Enolates: A Case of Unusually Efficient Non-Chelate-Enforced Chirality Transfer; J. Mulzer, U. Steffen, L. Zorn, C. Schneider, E. Weinhold, W. Münch, R. Rudert, P. Luger, H. Hartl, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 4640-4646.
Natural Selection, Protein Engineering, and the Last Riboorganism: Rational Model Building in Biochemistry; S. A. Benner, R. K. Allemann, A. D. Ellington, L. Ge, A. Glasfeld, G. F. Leanz, T. Krauch, L. J. MacPherson, S. Moroney, J. A. Piccirilli, E. Weinhold, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 1987, 52, 53-63.
Evolution Guidance: Engineering Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Ribonuclease; E. G. Weinhold, A. Ellington, S. R. Presnell, G. M. McGeehan, S. A. Benner, Protein Engineering 1987,1, 236-237.