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Former coworkers of Prof. Dr. E. Weinhold

group 2019
group 2017
group 2018
group 2013

group 2009

group 2007

group 2004

Eiden, Michael
Dr. Schütz, Leonie
Dr. Eiden, Sophia

Dr. Käver, Larissa

Dr. Schilcher, Felix 

Dr. Rauser, Miriam


Dr. Rauser, Valerie

Dr. Dankers, Andreas

Dr. Giesbertz, Anna

M.Sc. Otto, Sabrina

Dipl.-Chem. Juhaz, Matyas

Dr. Lowins, Sebastian

Dr. Hanz, Gisela

Dr. Jung, Britta

Dr. Tengg, Martin

Dr. Chakraborty, Banani

Dr. Martin, Michael

Dr. Krasova, Alina

Dr. Kröger, Thomas

Dr. Willnow, Sophie

Dr. Gottfried, Anna

Dr. Charrak, Samir

Dr. Gider. Basar

Dr. Poot, Peter

Dr. Bahr, Matthias

Dr. Peters, Wibke

Dr. Hüben, Michael

Dr. Maluszynska-Hoffman, M.

Dipl.-Chem. Lenz, Thomas

Dr. Peters, Simone

Dr. Monaime, Amélie

Dr. Dalhoff, Christian

Dr. Beuck, Christine

Dr. Kunkel, Falk (geb. Schmidt)

in progress
M.MpeI als Werkzeug für die Methyltransferase-vermittelte DNA-Markierung und Methylierungsdetektion
Charakterisierung der Bindung humaner Proteine an G-Quadruplex-DNA und -RNA
Entwicklung einer orthogonalen Markierungsmethode für die Fluoreszenzdetektion epigenetischer DNA-Modifikationen
Barcoding von genomischer DNA und Anwendung im Bereich des DNA-Mappings
Sequence-specific synthesis and application of covalent DNA-protein and DNA-oligonucleotide conjugates

Isolation and identification of G-Quadruplex DNA-binding proteins

A biochemical Domino Reaction for modification of biological
nucleophiles with methyltransferases

Triple helix-targeted DNA methylation with DNA methyltransferase-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugates




Synthesis and application of carbohydrate capture compounds for selective isolation of lectins and adhesion of cells

Specific DNA-antibody conjugates for selective targeting of human cells

Characterization of methyltransferases with molecular probes exemplified by the enzyme Set7/9



Engineering cofactor specificity of methyltransferases

Functionalizing DNA origami surfaces with DNA modifying enzyme Methyltransferase to create a nanoscale enzyme catalysis factory on DNA origami surface

Analagues of S-Adenosyl-l-methionine for the targeted labeling of nucleic acids and proteins by methyl transferases

Identifying Nucleoside- und Nucleotide-Protein Interactions with S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine and Adenosine Tiphosphate Capture Compounds

Double-activated S-adenosyl-L-methionin analouges with functionalized sidechains for sequencespecific transfer by DNA-methyltransferases

Enzymatic alkyne-functionalization for labeling and identification of protein methyltransferase substrates

Biological effects and biotechnological applications of AdoMet-analogues

DNA with thiobases and polycyclic aromatic base surrogates for investigation of base flipping by example of DNA-methyltransferase M.TaqI

Synthesis of novel aziridine cofactors for labeling DNA and its applications



Function-based isolation of sub-proteomes with trifunctional capture compounds


Biophysical characterisation of methyltransferase-DNA interactions



New cofactors for sequence-specific methyltransferase-induced labelling of DNA

Synthese von S-Adenosyl-L-methionin-Analoga für enzymatische DNA-Markierung und funktionelle Proteomuntersuchungen / von Michael Hüben

Super-specific DNA methylation by a DNA methyltransferase coupled with a triple helix-forming oligonucleotide




Thiobase-mediated complexation of metal ions in DNA


Coupling of DNA-methyltransferase M.SssI with triplehelix forming oligodesoxynucleotides

Novel applications of S -adenosyl-L-methionine analogues using protein methyltransferases and click chemistry for sequence-specific labelling of proteins


DNA with thiobases and polycyclic aromatic base surrogates for investigation of base flipping by example of DNA-methyltransferase M.TaqI

New S-adenosyl-L-methionine analogs for sequence-specific transfer of functional groups by DNA-methyltransferases

Weinhold group, design by: Leonie Schütz, Miriam Rauser, last modified: 09.06.2023 (Leonie Schütz)

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